Monday, September 8, 2008

It's all in the genes....

So, last night Spilly threw herself around the house, yelling, "Allabaydomarolalabiddamobo...." or something like that, in various gradations of operatic grandeur.

I said to my husband, just to see what he'd do, "She gets it from Daddy."

He gave me a withering look. We both know where she gets it from. Not that I would ever throw myself around the house bellowing a tune. Not me.

Spilly said, "What did I get from Daddy?"

"You inherited your singing from Daddy," I told her. "You're just like Daddy."

By now, my husband was rolling his eyes at the useless pair of us.

"I'm not Daddy! Daddy, I'm not you. I'm a YOUNG WOMAN."

1 comment:

Brenna Flynn said...

Ha ha soo cute. When I was little, my mom told me I got my hair from my dad. I said something along the lines of, "Nuh uh, his hair his silver and mine is brown." Looking in the mirror nowadays, I can say I most certainly have my father's hair. Damn.