Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Filling the Pre-Dinner Lull

It's amazing the number of things Spilly can accomplish while sensible people are putting dinner together. The following, in no particular order, occurred sometime between the time when the school bus dropped her off and she dropped in at the dinner table.

1. In the guise of "Flakey," the strangely rectangular snowflake she and her Daddy made yesterday, she lugged all of the shoes out of the laundry room and distributed them in various inventive places throughout the downstairs. When asked to put them away, initially responded, "But I can't, because I'm just a snowflake, and I don't have arms." She later revised this point of view.

2. Asked if she would always be a little girl. When told that she wouldn't be, she asked why not.

"Because everything about you will grow," her Daddy said. "Your arms, your legs, your brain, everything."

She intoned darkly, ""

3. Ran madly screaming at her Mommy: "We didn't have candles!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"On Sanjaya's cupcakes! We didn't have candles!"

I confess I'd forgotten that we'd had cupcakes for Sanjaya, but then remembered we had, back around the time when school started, because it had been mentioned during the concert we'd seen that his birthday was coming up. Never assume that anything you say to Spilly will fall on deaf or passive ears. We'd had a party. We'd sung "Happy Birthday."

4. Ran to the door multiple times to see if a chef had come to cook dinner for us. Never make jokes about how you wish chefs would show up to cook you meals.

5. Pretended to be the chef. Concocted a memorable meal made of plastic toast and eggplant, wearing a chef's hat and apron. Left the food everywhere (ignored my point that real chefs clean up).

6. Made several circuits of the kitchen, dragging her Princess Dancing mat on which was piled a lot of other plastic food, a cushion, various clothes, and a scepter.

...And now she's sitting in the bathtub shouting something in a falsetto. Actually, she sounds like Mr. Bill. "Oh nooooo!"

I quite agree.

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