Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas and Chaos

Pardon me if it's difficult for me to concentrate right now....Spilly is dancing around my desk saying, "Ohhhh, ohhhh, Fernando!"

Well, my raspy voice and I were back at school today, and tonight was our Holiday Concert--a longish day, from 7:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. I help to lead the Primary-Junior Choir, so had to be present for their performance obviously but also to babysit them throughout the rest of the concert. It was somewhat nightmarish, as there were four grades crammed into the library with not as many teachers supervising as would have been ideal. It is amazing what being at school at nighttime with a pending performance will do to the average kid's adrenaline levels. My ears are ringing, and not just because of the bells used by the choir for "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."

Spilly and her Daddy came to join us in the library, as she preferred the idea of hanging out with "the big kids" to actually sitting and watching the concert. As the big kids were all watching the movie "Cars," that's what she did too. And this viewing of "Cars" went better than the one in the car on the way to Halifax this summer, when she turned to me halfway through and said mournfully, "WHEN is this movie going to start?"

Glad to home. Glad for the silence. Going to have a glass of wine now.

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