Thursday, May 1, 2008

First Piano Lesson

So today I had a medical appointment, and was off school. The appointment wasn't till late in the morning, so Spills and I spent some time together doing this and that.

I said to her at one point, "Hey, do you want to see how people write music?"


"They don't do it with letters and words. They do it with lines and circles instead."

So I drew her a staff and showed her "Mommy Treble Clef," who looks after the little note children. We met C, D, E, F and G. Then we met "Daddy Bass Clef" and got to know the kids he's looking after - C, B, A, G and F.

Then, on a roll, we took it all to the piano and we learned how to find C, D and E anywhere and everywhere on the keyboard. Spills was mightily pleased with herself. Our "lesson" concluded with Spilly singing "Are You Sleeping" while playing C and E at the same time, on the beat.

We were then SO pleased with ourselves that we called Grandma and Grandpa, so that Spills could play "Are You Sleeping" for each of them in turn. I could hear Grandpa emoting proudly on the other end of the line. Spills waited patiently till he was done. Then she said, "Yes, but Grandpa, didn't you think it was awesome or something like that?"

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