Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The April Fool

Spilly is entranced by the idea of April Fool's Day. She thinks it's just great that people go around all day doing crazy things to each other. She thinks it's even better that people yell, "April Fool's!!" She practised a lot today. Here are some of her more noteworthy pranks:

1. Mommy, I'm going to put Daddy in the garbage. APRIL FOOL'S!!

2. I think there's a monster behind the piano. I think you should go and look. APRIL FOOL'S!!

3. [poking adult vigorously] APRIL FOOL'S!!

4. [leaning around the corner of the door wearing a fish hat] APRIL FOOL'S!!

5. Sidney is back in the bathroom. APRIL FOOL'S!! (Sidney is our resident spider. Mommy doesn't like Sidney very much.)

6. I'm full and I don't want any more supper. APRIL FOOL'S!!

7. Monty was telling Ribbon that from now on Ribbon is Monty's pet. APRIL FOOL'S!!

8. Let's sneak up behind Daddy and yell APRIL FOOL'S!! ....APRIL FOOL'S!!

9. We're not eating dinner right now, we're eating breakfast. APRIL FOOL'S!!

10. From now on, Daddy is Mommy and Mommy is Daddy. APRIL FOOL'S!!

....It's pretty clear to me who the fool is in our family.

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