Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Raucous New Beginnings

So I dragged myself home after school, having sat through a particularly long staff meeting. I was prepared to drop like a pile of debris in the front hallway. But instead I was met by shrieks and giggles, and two apparitions who were wearing at least five or six costumes between them. Our little friend from down the street was back, and spirits were beyond high. (Spilly's spirits are quite high enough at the best of times.)

My first thought was, "Oh dear." Then it was a kind of resigned, "Oh well." And after a few minutes I started realizing it wasn't the end of the world to walk into a warm, happy, loud house after the cold drive home with tailgaters biting at my ankles the whole way.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked.

"We're the kids, and you're the KID CATCHER!"

I sighed a bit. Then I shouted, "Grrrr!" and pounced.

Lots of shrieking later, her dad showed up and we asked if she could stay for dinner. He said she could. Then we all stood around the front hall and gabbed for the better part of a half-hour, until his daughter pushed him out the door so that she could get on with the excitement of Staying For Dinner. But first her dad asked if we could come over on Friday night. And we said we could.

And I started realizing that a new friendship was staring us in the face if we wanted it.

Which was a good deal better than anyone could have expected at the end of a long day and a longer staff meeting. Just goes to show that once in awhile the universe intervenes a bit and brings shy people together.

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